🪣Step 3. Funding Wallets

Get funds loaded

Be familiar with our optimal strategies here before funding wallets:

Step 2: Funding & Bridging to new chains

There are many methods to get your funds onto wallets, as previously mentioned it's recommended to fund & warmup wallets in a diversified way.

The objective is to fund your account with no links as per our discussion on Anti-Sybil behaviour.

One-Click Funding

One-Click Funding coming soon using Binance.

Centralised Exchanges

If you have funds on a Centralised Exchange:

There are some centralised exchanges that allow you to withdraw directly to ZkSync.

  • Binance

  • ByBit

  • OKX

  • Crypto.com

  • Kraken

This may be the cheapest method to get funds onto your wallets.

Private Swaps

Platforms like https://houdiniswap.com/ keep your transactions private, and require no KYC. Use this to send money from one wallet to another, never transact normally.

Bridge ETH > Another EVM Chain

Keep in mind that wallets are to be kept separate and no on-chain connections should be made.

Bridging from ETH would generally occur after you have funded the wallet via CEX or HoudiSwap.

It's recommended to fund & bridge from various chains not just ETH for diversification.

If you have ETH on your farming wallets, use one of the following bridges:

PS: There may be benefits using native bridges for specific airdrop requirements, consider this when deciding on the bridge you use.

It is recommended to fund wallets with various methods to further reduce your risk.

How much should I fund each wallet?

The amount you fund the wallets should vary, and for strategy purposes, you may wish to have more funds in some wallets to easily achieve ‘volume-based achievements for ranking purposes.

ZkSync Example: $130-150 in funding will yield you $10,000 in volume with $100 remaining providing that the ETH Gas prices remain consistent (As of September 2023).

Now let's get the app started, follow the link below:

Last updated