🔑Step 4. Let's get started

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Step by Step Guide:

At this stage you should have completed the following:

Step 1:

  • Add your wallets to the app

If you followed the guide on 'Creating & Funding Wallets'

In the DropBeast Application, you can now "Import" your Seed Phrase, using the 12 words that you wrote down. When importing, import as many wallets as you created in this process. The second wallet on your list will be your "Log In" wallet as mentioned in Step 3, do not fund or use this wallet.

At this stage you have a few options:

  • Select 'Import Wallet' and enter either a HD Wallet or a Standalone Wallet.

What is a HD Wallet?

An HD (Hierarchical-Deterministic) wallet allows the creation of multiple key pairs (sets of cryptographic keys) using just one initial random seed, which simplifies management and enhances security. Imagine the HD wallet as a tree: the "master key" or initial seed is the root. From this root, multiple child keys (or key pairs) are generated, all of them connected to the original master key in a parent-child relationship. The master key is associated with a seed phrase, while the child keys each have their own private key but share the same seed phrase as the parent.

When you import or export the seed phrase, all the wallets linked to the HD wallet (parent and children) are included, ensuring the whole 'family' of keys stays together.

What is a Standalone Wallet?

A standalone wallet, within the framework of an HD wallet system, functions as an individual key pair derived from the master key or initial seed of the HD wallet. This type of wallet is represented by a unique private key.

This wallet operates independently but remains inherently linked to the HD wallet's hierarchical structure. Each standalone wallet possesses its own unique private key, granting it distinct operational autonomy. However, it shares the same seed phrase as its parent HD wallet, maintaining a secure and traceable connection to the original master key.

  • At this stage, it is generally best to do what you are most comfortable with. A HD Wallet is beneficial if you're migrating dozens of accounts into the DropBeast Application.

  • Select the compatibility you wish to have on the wallet.

Step 2:

  • If you imported a HD Wallet (Using a Seed Phrase), and you have wallets already associated. Creating wallets within the DropBeast Application under that HD Wallet will import the same wallets across. We're essentially telling the DropBeast application how many associated wallets you'd like to import.

  • You are also able to create wallets, ensure you back these up if creating them within the app!

Step 2:

Click where it says "No Profile" and select how fast you'd like to farm, Low, Medium or High. It should look something like this once you've selected a profile against each wallet.

Profiles determine how quickly your wallet transacts.

  • Ensure that farming is enabled in the top right, and you're good to go.

Step 3:

Once everything above is complete, navigate to the dashboard. If you see items in your queued list, you're good! Keep the tab open and let it run. PS: Th

The app only runs when the browser is on.

Contact Support if you've followed this guide perfectly and no items show in the queue.

Last updated