๐Ÿ’ตProduct Access post TGE

Subscription prices

Disclaimer: While this section is directionally correct, the actual numbers may change as we receive product feedback

DropBeast subscriptions are priced in two ways stable coins or $BEAST burning and $BEAST locking, with staked $BEAST reducing the price paid per wallet. Inverting the pricing model to favour users with fewer wallets while making it more expensive for those seeking many wallets can create a fairer distribution of airdrop rewards and voting power. This approach can help prevent monopolization by "whales" (users with substantial capital and large numbers of wallets) while still encouraging them to stake significant amounts for the benefits associated with long-term commitment.

Fiat-pegged or stable coins

DropBeast subscriptions priced in fiat-pegged stable coins are tiered by the number of wallets in the purchase. This gives a lifetime access to the product for each wallet purchased.

Price per wallet = nร—(0.030ร—n+30)

The unit price for 1 wallet remains $30, while for more than 1 wallet, the unit price is calculated using the formula nร—(0.030ร—n+30). The total price is the product of the number of wallets and the respective unit price.

Burning Beast

DropBeast subscriptions are unlocked for users who donโ€™t want to pay in fiat by burning $Beast on the DropBeast website. The units of $Beast to be burned will be determined by the number of wallets to be purchased, the total price and reconciled based on the current UniSwap price of $Beast, the total number of $Beast units required.

Staking Beast

DropBeast subscriptions are unlocked for users staking $Beast.

  • More wallets -> tiered price per wallet increases

  • Longer staking -> tiered price per wallet decrease

  • More tokens staked -> more influence in governance processes

The ideal scenario is all users lock a reasonable number of wallets for a long period of time to get the deepest discount.

The minimum duration you can stake tokens is one month. At one month staking, the units to stake per wallet are below.

  • For n=1: Tokens per wallet=20

  • For n>1: Tokens per wallet=0.08ร—n+19.992

Staking for 4 years gives a 90% discount, 3 months a 20% discount.

Which means staking 1000 tokens for 5 years gets a user access to 1000 wallets.

Last updated